
4.8/5 Votes: 74,417
February 26, 2024
Android 5.0+/ iOS 12.0+
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Overview of Zoonomaly Apk:

Zoonomaly Apk is a thrilling sci-fi adventure game that takes players on an epic journey through the cosmos. Developed by Stellar Forge Studios, Zoonomaly combines elements of action, strategy, and role-playing to deliver a unique gaming experience. Set in a universe where anomalies and alien creatures abound, players must navigate through mysterious planets, solve intricate puzzles, and engage in tactical combat to uncover the secrets of Zoonomaly.


Zoonomaly offers a multi-faceted gameplay experience that seamlessly blends exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat. Players assume the role of a space explorer tasked with investigating strange anomalies and extraterrestrial phenomena across various planets. The gameplay is divided into several key components:

  • Exploration: Players navigate through diverse planetary environments, each with its own ecosystem, hazards, and secrets. The game encourages thorough exploration to uncover hidden areas, collect resources, and piece together the story.
  • Puzzle-Solving: Zoonomaly features intricate puzzles that challenge players’ logic and problem-solving skills. These puzzles are integrated into the environment and storyline, requiring players to think creatively to progress.
  • Combat: Combat in Zoonomaly is tactical and strategic. Players can choose from a variety of weapons and abilities, each suited to different combat situations. Real-time combat mechanics are combined with strategic planning, allowing players to approach battles in multiple ways.
  • Resource Management: Managing resources is crucial for survival and progression. Players must gather materials, upgrade equipment, and manage their inventory effectively.


The story of Zoonomaly is set in a distant future where humanity has expanded its reach to the stars. The protagonist, Captain Aria Voss, is a skilled space explorer and scientist assigned to investigate a series of mysterious anomalies detected in a remote galaxy. As Aria and her crew delve deeper into the unknown, they uncover ancient alien civilizations, lost technologies, and a cosmic threat that could endanger the entire universe.

The narrative is rich with themes of discovery, survival, and the ethical implications of space exploration. Through a combination of main quests and side missions, players will unravel the complex history of the anomalies and the alien races that once inhabited the galaxy.


Zoonomaly Apk features a diverse cast of characters, each with their own backstories, skills, and personalities:

  • Captain Aria Voss: is the protagonist and leader of the expedition. Aria is a brilliant scientist and a fearless explorer, driven by a deep curiosity and a desire to protect humanity.
  • Dr. Eli Morgan: is the ship’s medical officer and Aria’s close friend. Eli is compassionate and resourceful, providing medical support and scientific insights throughout the journey.
  • Lt. Commander Zara Khan: Zara, the head of security, is a formidable warrior with a no-nonsense attitude. She is responsible for the safety of the crew and excels in combat situations.
  • Professor Orion Lux: is an eccentric but brilliant xenobiologist who provides invaluable knowledge about alien species and anomalies. His quirky personality adds a touch of humor to the crew.

Each character is integral to the story and gameplay, contributing unique abilities and perspectives that enrich the player’s experience.

Zoonomaly Mobile Features

  • Expansive Universe: A vast, procedurally generated universe filled with diverse planets, each with its own unique landscapes, flora, and fauna.
  • Dynamic Puzzles: Engaging and varied puzzles that integrate seamlessly into the game’s environments and narrative.
  • Strategic Combat: A mix of real-time action and tactical planning, with a wide array of weapons and abilities to customize your approach to combat.
  • Rich Storytelling: A compelling narrative with multiple branching paths and endings, influenced by player choices and actions.
  • Character Development: Deep character interactions and development, with fully voiced dialogue and meaningful relationships.


  • Is Zoonomaly single-player or multiplayer? Zoonomaly is primarily a single-player experience with a strong focus on story and character development.
  • What platforms is Zoonomaly available on? Zoonomaly is available on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and a planned release for Nintendo Switch.
  • Can I customize my character? While the main character, Aria Voss, has a set appearance and backstory, players can customize her abilities and equipment.
  • Are there microtransactions in Zoonomaly? No, Zoonomaly features a single purchase model with no microtransactions, ensuring a complete experience without additional costs.
  • How long is the game? The main storyline provides around 30 hours of gameplay, with additional side quests and exploration extending playtime significantly.


Zoonomaly Apk offers an unforgettable journey through the stars, blending exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat into a cohesive and immersive experience. With its richly detailed universe, compelling characters, and engaging gameplay, Zoonomaly stands out as a must-play title for fans of sci-fi adventures and tactical RPGs. Whether you’re uncovering the secrets of ancient alien civilizations or battling cosmic threats, Zoonomaly promises a thrilling adventure at every turn.



