4.7/5 Votes: 58,745
Bandai Namco
Mars 26, 2024
Android 5.0+/ iOS 12.0+
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Tekken 3 Apk Overview:

Tekken 3 Apk is one of the most iconic and influential fighting games ever released. Originally launched in arcades in 1997 and subsequently ported to the PlayStation in 1998, it set a new standard for the genre with its refined gameplay, expansive character roster, and impressive graphics for the time. This overview provides a detailed look at Tekken 3, exploring its gameplay mechanics, features, characters, and enduring legacy. Whether you’re revisiting this classic on modern platforms or discovering it for the first time, Tekken 3 remains a benchmark for fighting games.


Tekken 3 revolutionized the fighting game genre with its deep and accessible gameplay mechanics. The game introduced a more dynamic movement system, allowing characters to sidestep into the foreground or background, adding a new layer of strategy to fights. The controls are intuitive yet provide a high-skill ceiling, with each character boasting a unique set of moves and combos that can be mastered over time.

The game features several modes, including arcade, Versus, time attack, survival, and the innovative Tekken Force mode, which offers a side-scrolling beat ’em up experience. Tekken Ball, a volleyball-style mini-game, adds another fun twist to the traditional fighting gameplay. These diverse modes ensure that players have multiple ways to enjoy the game, whether competing against friends or honing their skills solo.


For its time, Tekken 3 was a graphical powerhouse. The character models were detailed and fluidly animated, making each punch, kick, and special move look and feel impactful. The environments were richly designed, providing a variety of backdrops that ranged from ancient temples to urban landscapes. Despite the limitations of the hardware at the time, Tekken 3’s graphics were a significant leap forward from its predecessors, contributing to its immersive experience.


Tekken 3 continues the saga of the King of Iron Fist Tournament, delving deeper into the Mishima family feud and introducing new characters with their own intricate backstories. The game takes place fifteen years after Tekken 2, with a new generation of fighters stepping into the ring. Central to the story is Jin Kazama, the son of Kazuya Mishima and grandson of Heihachi Mishima. Jin seeks revenge against the monstrous Ogre, who is responsible for the disappearance of his mother, Jun Kazama. The intertwining stories of revenge, power, and betrayal create a compelling narrative backdrop for the high-octane battles.


Tekken 3 boasts a roster of 23 characters, each with a distinct fighting style and personality. Returning favorites like Heihachi Mishima, Paul Phoenix, and Nina Williams are joined by newcomers such as Jin Kazama, Hwoarang, and Ling Xiaoyu. Each character’s unique move set and fighting style ensure that players can find a fighter that suits their preferred playstyle, whether it’s the powerful strikes of Paul Phoenix or the acrobatic kicks of Hwoarang.

Tekken 3 Mobile Features

  • Dynamic Movement: Enhanced 3D movement with the ability to sidestep, adding depth to the combat.
  • Diverse Modes: Multiple game modes including Arcade, Versus, Time Attack, Survival, Tekken Force, and Tekken Ball.
  • Expansive Roster: 23 unique characters with distinct fighting styles.
  • Rich Storyline: Continuation of the Mishima family saga with new characters and plot twists.
  • High Replay Value: Numerous unlockables, including hidden characters and game modes.

Tekken 3 Free Download – FAQs

  • What platforms is Tekken 3 available on? Originally released on arcades and PlayStation, Tekken 3 is also available on various emulators and has been re-released on newer platforms.
  • How do I unlock hidden characters in Tekken 3? Hidden characters can be unlocked by completing certain game modes and fulfilling specific in-game conditions.
  • Is Tekken 3 available on mobile devices? While Tekken 3 itself isn’t officially available on mobile, various adaptations and versions inspired by the game can be found. Look for versions that support your device, such as Tekken 3 Apk, Tekken 3 Mobile, Tekken 3 IOS, and Tekken 3 Android.
  • What makes Tekken 3 different from other fighting games? Tekken 3’s dynamic movement system, diverse roster, and multiple game modes set it apart from other fighting games, offering a unique and engaging experience.


Tekken 3 Apk remains a timeless classic in the world of fighting games. Its combination of deep gameplay, a diverse character roster, and impressive graphics has ensured its enduring popularity. Whether you’re a veteran player revisiting the game or a newcomer discovering it for the first time, Tekken 3 offers an unparalleled fighting game experience. The availability of Tekken 3 Apk, Tekken 3 Mobile, Tekken 3 iOS, and Tekken 3 Android ensures that this classic can be enjoyed on modern devices, keeping the spirit of Tekken 3 alive for new generations of gamers. Dive into the world of Tekken 3 and experience the thrill of the King of Iron Fist Tournament.



